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  • jordanjames-bruce

Questionnaire Response - #26


Today I received the twenty sixth response to my questionnaire. Please see below:

Q1: What is your occupation?

Director of Development for an animal shelter

Q2: How do you believe current dog shelter designs affect dog behaviour - Positively / Negatively / No affect? Please state your reason for your choice.

Mostly negatively

Q3: Do you believe that if given the right environment to rehabilitate, more dogs would be less 'aggressive' in shelters, and have the chance of becoming more adoptable?


Q4: How would you describe an 'ideal' environment for dog rehabilitation? What key elements would it have?

It would be more like a home and more social

Q5: What do you believe are the best methods for dog rehabilitation?

I think a dog that needs rehabilitation or has tendency toward aggression should be handled under the guidance of one champion for the dog. I believe they should be carefully handled and guided but not as isolated and handled with kid gloves as I see mostly in the shelter environment.

Q6: Alongside rehabilitation methods, to what extent do you believe architecture has a role in rehabilitation?

  • Extremely Important

Q7: There are numerous examples of calming architecture, designed to calm people dealing with emotional trauma. Elements of this include panoramic views with lots of natural light, sound absorption and the integration of nature / outdoors.Based on your experiences, could this concept of calming architecture have a similar outcome for troubled dogs?


Q8: Are you aware of any Rehabilitation Centres that allow traumatised shelter dogs to recover?

  • No

Q9: If selected 'Yes' on previous question, please state the name of the Rehabilitation Centre and any additional information regarding their methods. Otherwise, please state 'N/A'.

Respondent skipped this question

Q10: Do you believe there needs to be more Rehabilitation Centres of this nature?

Absolutely, I would like to start one myself!

(SurveyMonkey, 1999-2014. SurveyMonkey [online]. Available at: [Accessed on 9th November 2014]. Published questionnaire available at: [Created on 9th November 2014].)

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