I received an e-mail from RSPCA Block Fen Animal Centre today regarding the possibility of volunteering and observation work. In order to progress, I had to conduct an on-line training program. Within this I revised the 13 Modules (including Asbestos training, Environmental Awareness, Risk Assessment, Hazradous Chemicals, etc) and take an on-line test. I had to pass them all in order to be considered for volunteering.
And I passed! All certificates below.

(RSPCA Block-Fen Animal Shelter (blockfen-inbox@rspca.org.uk), 2014. Volunteering Enquiry / Dissertation Research. 12th November 2014. Email to: Jordan James-Bruce (jordan.james-bruce@live.co.uk).)
(RSPCA Block Fen, 2014. RSPCA Block Fen Animal Shelter official website [online]. March. Available at: http://www.rspca.org.uk/local/-/rspca/block-fen-animal-centre [Accessed 7th November 2014].)