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  • jordanjames-bruce

Research Project: 300-Word Proposal Submission

Jordan James-Bruce N0370824 Interior Architecture and Design (Year 4)

Research Project Proposal Hypothesis Implementing conditions of calming architecture into a developed scheme would provide a true rehabilitative environment for ‘aggressive’ dogs to recover, consequently avoiding unnecessary euthanasia. Aims Develop knowledge of ‘calming’ architecture and successful rehabilitative precedents to explore whether said characteristics have potential to be effective in the context of dog rehabilitation. Discover the extent of influence the built environment holds towards rehabilitation and recovery. Objectives There is considerable research into spatial design for healing and comfort for human trauma, yet this approach is rarely applied in the case of animals subjected to stress. My purpose is trialling this theory to establish a new proposal to rectify this. To prove a belief that current dog shelter designs evoke a deteriorative atmosphere for its inhabitants. A standard design of which has not progressed or encountered change for a long period of time - manufactured purposely for high volume intake with a quick turnaround. Methods Conduct first-hand observation within kennel / re-homing organisations to document and analyse the behaviour of afflicted dogs over a period of time. Experimentation; change in dogs’ behaviour when removed from hostile environment into ‘calming’ space with agreed permission. Conduct a personal experiment on my emotional state when becoming the subject of a kennel setting. Interview and produce questionnaires to specialised professionals. This will include re-homing centres’, the Founder of ‘Canine Rehabilitation Centre and Sanctuary’ located in U.S, potentially the construction company involved in Battersea Dogs Home extension, RSPCA and other animal welfare organisations. Undertake secondary research, including published books revolving around calming architecture as a healing art and buildings of rehabilitation. Sources - Primary Resources from professionals in animal welfare and potential self-experimentation.

- Secondary Resources. Reliable Internet sources and newspaper articles on current issues of dog shelters.

- Published books including ‘Places of the Soul’ by Christopher Day (1990) and ‘The Architecture of Hope’ by Charles Jencks (2010). Focus on relevant academic journals on dog behaviour and aggression.

Raised Ethical Issues

Within my investigation, I plan to undertake a vast amount of practical volunteering. This will include boarding kennel facilities, as well as re-homing and adoption shelters, including the RSPCA and potentially the Blue Cross. Due to this, my answer for stated question “Does your study involve observation and/or recording of identifiable participants without their knowledge?” is ‘Yes’ due to my key participants being the dogs themselves. Whilst undergoing daily activities of care, I will be observing the behaviour of individual dogs, varying in breed and length of stay, to witness the effects of a shelter environment has on them. My intention is to potentially have a source of video documentation, but this is subject to change based on whether I receive granted permission. The ‘vulnerable participants’ in the stated question: ‘Does your study involve vulnerable participants as described in the Student Ethical Toolkit?’ are the dogs within the boarding / re-homing organisations of which I will be volunteering. No animals will be exposed to any situations of which will cause distress for the purpose of my project. The shelter environment is one of which they are currently in, and my research project has had / will have no influence on this. If my presence will distress the dogs in anyway, I will immediately impede any observational research I had intended. In terms of consent and right to withdraw, I will fully inform the careers of my participants, (whom are the workers / kennel assistants at the organisations I volunteer for), of my intentions. I will ask for permission before carrying out any research activity. No recordings or confidential information will be released publicly other than for the intended use of my research. I will ensure whether the practice is comfortable to allow the observation results to be identifiable.

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