A collective of secondary photographic sources portraying a sense of calming. A visual introduction to begin my investigation.

Image references from Top Left - Right to Bottom Left - Right:
Image 1:
(Adam Blunt, 2014. bluepueblo: Ancient Bridge, Kromlau, Germany photo via barb [Pinterest]. 18th July 2014. Available at: http://uk.pinterest.com/pin/341147740496793346/ [Accessed on 8th October 2014].)
Image 2:
(Alicia Degen, 2013. i want to sail on these waters [Pinterest]. November 2013. Available at: http://uk.pinterest.com/pin/34199278393579935/. [Accessed on 8th October 2014].)
Image 3:
(Melissa Ochoa, 2014. I feel like I am best able to connect with my spirituality in nature. Nature is very calming and peaceful and allows me to focus on what I need to focus on. In nature, there are no distractions or time restraints that relate to feeling stressed. [Pinterest]. April 2014. Available at: http://uk.pinterest.com/pin/357614026633577272/. [Accessed on 8th October 2014].)
Image 4:
(BODIE and FOU Online, 2014. Window wall [Pinterest]. August 2014. Available at: http://uk.pinterest.com/pin/72479875228095207/. [Accessed on 8th October 2014].)
Image 5:
(Naomi Hampshire, 2014. 11 beautiful paint palettes inspired by winter. [Pinterest]. January 2014. Available at: http://uk.pinterest.com/pin/551057704377097615/. [Accessed on 8th October 2014].)
Image 6:
(UltraLinx, 2013. Random Inspiration. [Pinterest]. November 2013. Available at: http://uk.pinterest.com/pin/12033123977702646/. [Accessed on 8th October 2014].)